Anna-Marie Babington

Anna-Marie Babington is an artist and mother living on an off-grid farm in Southwest Portugal. She grew up in Mobile, Alabama and earned a B.A. in Visual Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. She works in watercolor, allowing the flow and direction of water to be a visible dance on the paper, as well as in oil, in which she is beginning to learn about making natural pigments from clay and plants. Myth, dreams, and encounters in Nature inspire her work. These days, she also draws from the experiences of motherhood, journeying between two contrasting coasts, and caring for the land, animals, and plants that fill her with awe and joy. She says, “Painting provides a space for endless inquiry—a means to ask questions, explore, and experiment. It is also an act of devotion—a way to honor the wisdom of Nature and, hopefully, encourage others to spend more time listening to and delighting in our beautiful Mother Earth.“